The Health Benefits of the Amazing Nature Series of Jigsaw Puzzles

Posted by Buffalo Games on Sep 28th 2022

The Health Benefits of the Amazing Nature Series of Jigsaw Puzzles

Since so many people turn to jigsaw puzzles to relax and reduce stress, it makes sense to meditate on images that feature the beauty of nature. In fact, solving nature-themed jigsaw puzzles can have many health benefits, including:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Manage depression
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Feel connected

As you spend time letting the stress of the modern world roll off your shoulders, you’re taking in beautiful scenes inspired by nature and created by some of the best artists, designers, and photographers around. That can only be a good thing.

The Meditative Benefits of Nature-Themed Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles have a lot of benefits, but those that feature nature themes are even more calming. While it’s fun to solve action-packed jigsaw puzzles with superhero themes, sometimes you just want to focus on something that’s calming. The Amazing Nature series of jigsaw puzzles enables you to do just that.

Stress Reduction

The Amazing Nature series of jigsaw puzzles helps you calm your mind, which lowers cortisol in the body.

Improving Mental Health

As you meditate on soothing images inspired by nature, you may find your thoughts begin to slow and calm as you sort and solve your puzzle. Focusing on positive images and thoughts can also help break the cycle of sadness and self-obsession, so it can be beneficial to solve jigsaw puzzles with soothing, natural images on them.

Lower Blood Pressure

As you solve your Amazing Nature jigsaw puzzle, you’re combining left and right brain activities that help bring harmony. That lowers your blood pressure and enhances holistic wellness.

Strengthen Your Immune System

When you consistently engage in calming behaviors such as regularly solving jigsaw puzzles, you can enjoy the benefits of a stronger immune system. This is because, as you lower your stress levels, you train your body that not all stimuli are stressors.

Improves Memory

This benefit is well known among jigsaw puzzlers, and the Amazing Nature series is no different. Based on the use-it-or-lose-it principle, the more you practice, the better you get.

Regulate Your Mood

When you make a habit of regularly solving jigsaw puzzles, you benefit from the fact that you’re continually studying the same image for a length of time. The calming effect this has on the modern psyche cannot be overstated, and it gives you a leg up on those who just can’t ever seem to unplug their faces from their screens.

The Importance of Connecting with Nature

No matter how you do it — whether you’re actually out in it or you’re looking at a static image of it — connecting with nature is really good for you.

That’s why solving nature-themed jigsaw puzzles is about way more than putting the pieces together to solve a jigsaw puzzle. Connecting with nature can help you:

  • Feel like you matter
  • Feel like you’re part of something greater
  • Detach from sources of stress
  • Manage life’s events better

While it’s great to be able to get out in the woods and enjoy a little shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” you can enjoy the same basic principle by spending some time with one of our Amazing Nature jigsaw puzzles for adults.

Let Nature Be Your Therapist

It’s a pretty well-known fact that there are a number of therapeutic programs that use exposure to nature as the basis of their efforts to heal people. The number of programs that can be described in this way is growing yearly.

Some of these cater to war veterans with acute PTSD and at-risk kids from urban areas. Both of these demographics could use a little more nature, and the people who mastermind these programs insist that it is effective. And we believe it.

That’s one reason we designed the Amazing Nature series of jigsaw puzzles.

Just sitting down for a little while to solve one of these puzzles can be a masterclass in animal anatomy, landscapes, color, and more. And the fulfillment you can find through the discipline of regularly solving jigsaw puzzles, especially those with a nature theme, is genuine.

From Whimsical to Realistic

Our Amazing Nature series of jigsaw puzzles for adults contains something for everyone:

  • Whimsical, stylish art pieces add color and fun
  • Colorful ocean scenes stir the imagination
  • Imaginative designs challenge the intellect
  • Evocative, quaint landscapes heal the heart

Whatever your fancy, there’s a puzzle for you here. And we carry multiple piece counts in this category, too, from 500-piece puzzles to 1000-piece puzzles.

Nature’s for Everyone

Albert Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.” That’s a poignant quote because many times, the reason people open a fresh jigsaw puzzle is that they’re looking for something they can’t find in the real world.

And as much as we’ve made a case for the real world being a source of fulfillment, proper perspective, and even healing, there’s still something about jigsaw puzzles that opens a door, activates an unseen ability, and awakens an awareness in you that has deep meaning.

Henry David Thoreau said, “Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.” If he meant that bliss is accessible to any one of us as we connect to the beauty of nature, he was right. What’s cool to us is how accessible it really is, even in unlikely situations:

  • Those who live in extreme latitudes might not get outside much
  • Those who are less able may not enjoy the same ease of exposure to nature
  • Sometimes it’s just not practical to get out into a forest for a little shinrin-yoku

In those cases, which are all too common, it’s not settling if you sit down to solve nature-themed jigsaw puzzles. In fact, it could be just what the doctor ordered.

If you’re ready for a little feel-good, nature-themed jigsaw puzzle therapy, you owe it to yourself to check out our Amazing Nature puzzles and see how you, too, can breathe a little more easily, feel less stressed, and enjoy a calmer life. 

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