This 100-piece Pokémon jigsaw puzzle by Buffalo Games is titled “Pokémon Canvas Art”. It features twelve Pokémon including Slowpoke, Gengar, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Happiny, Bidoof, Pikachu, Ditto, Rowlet, Piplup and Eevee, most of them roughly colored in over a paint-spatter background.
The pieces of this puzzle are larger than traditional puzzle pieces, which makes them easier to see and hold for a pleasant puzzle experience.
Every Buffalo Games jigsaw puzzle is manufactured from recycled puzzle board. A precision cutting technique guarantees that every piece will fit soundly with the company's signature Perfect Snap™.
100-piece jigsaw puzzle
Finished size is 11 x 15 inches
Made in USA
Manufactured from premium quality materials including 100% recycled paperboard